Soy free chicken - Recipe No 2 of 3 - Chicken Hash with fried egg

Chef Adam Gray shows us how to make the most from a leftover roast chicken with this incredible recipe for chicken hash.
200g Cooked leftover meat
200g Red Onions – peeled and finely chopped
10 Sage leaves – finely chopped
600g Baking potatoes - Half baked, peeled, grated whist still warm on a course grater
150ml Mellow Yellow rapeseed oil
Ground white pepper
4 Free range hen eggs
Chipotle ketchup
Mix all the ingredients together and season to taste.
Weigh the mix into 150 - 200g portions and mould into a disc shapes
Place each disc on a small piece of greaseproof paper and refrigerate until needed.
Heat a non stick frying pan to a medium heat and add half of the rapeseed oil.
Add the chicken hash and fry on each side, turning over to make golden brown on each side
Remove the cooked hash from the frying pan and add the remaining rapeseed oil.
Fry the hen’s eggs to your liking.
Serve the chicken hash with the fried egg on top with the chipotle ketchup around.