Ethical Marketing Policy

We believe that all marketing efforts should provide genuine value to the target audience in order to earn their attention and their trust. Our strategies are based on a foundational belief that marketing should be honest and that marketers should not take advantage of anyone’s personal data. This policy statement lays out the ethical marketing practices we follow at Ethical Butcher and the commitments we have made to ensure that our client work meets or exceeds the highest ethical standards of our industry.

As ethical marketers we commit to absolute honesty in our marketing for our own campaigns and for customers and partner driven projects.

Our pledges

Never use dishonest marketing tactics for our own or client marketing campaigns, including: 

False advertising: exaggerating values and benefits of products and services

Fake or overly doctored reviews and testimonials

Inflated analytics or results when creating messaging for partners or within your advertising

To never “cherry pick” specific data points to use in marketing and communications that are not representative of a client’s overall impact.

Not to withhold negative information or data from the public solely to protect a brand’s image.

Only use words that are realistic descriptors of the products, services, or impact we are promoting.

We Commit to Rejecting Impact Washing

Impact washing is similar to greenwashing and happens when a business exaggerates their positive impact to gain a marketing advantage or uses “feel good” marketing to cover up or distract from negative outcomes that their core business model is having in other areas–socially or environmentally.

we commit to

Cultural Sensitivity

Many marketing campaigns and messages have the potential to be insensitive. It takes a combination of self awareness and inclusion of others in the creative process to avoid marketing campaigns that are insensitive.

We avoid the Saviour Complex

Sometimes well-intentioned people target a perceived need for support without including and empowering the affected community. They may use their access to resources to provide a solution solely from their external position of privilege. This approach can be characterised as a saviour complex and resulting communications, solutions, and power dynamics are often problematic and reinforce systems of oppression.

Permission marketing

We pledge to focus our email marketing on:

Creating value within any free content (including videos, blogs, online resources, online classes, social media posts, etc.)

Being GDPR compliant

Maintaining the trust of email lists by continuing to offer value and restricting messaging to content related to what the original opt-in intent.

We Commit to White Hat Search Engine Optimisation

Search engines use algorithms to determine what content to show at the top.

Anywhere where computers are making decisions that will affect business outcomes opens up the opportunity for hacking and manipulation. In the world of SEO and content marketing, any tactics that are considered manipulative or unethical are typically referred to as “black hat” tactics.

On the opposite end of this spectrum, you’ll find ethical or “white hat” SEO tactics based on providing valuable and useful content that aligns with what users and search algorithms are looking for.

We Practice and Encourage the Following Best Practices for White Hat SEO and Content Marketing: Link building: Create valuable content that people will want to link to Using PR and aligned partnerships to build links Proper use of redirects to help users find the right content Put the user first, focus on value, create content that aligns with our mission

Black Hat SEO: Tactics that We Avoid and Discourage Purchasing links –

Paying for links from other websites.

Links should be built organically out of merit and from real relationships and partnerships.

Automated link building – Using software or online bots to build links. Hidden content and links – Intentionally hiding content or links so that only the search engines can see them. Automated, stolen or plagiarised content generation – Using content scraping  technology, AI content development, or direct content theft to generate high volumes of content to build your site’s size and perceived authority. Keywords stuffing, over optimisation – There is a fine line between manually optimising content for SEO best practices (white hat on-page optimisation) and over optimisation which can also be called keyword stuffing. Misdirection

Unethical redirects: Cloaking and doorway pages. There are a variety of shady redirection schemes used in black hat SEO. These typically involve redirecting people away from long form content into pages that are more focused on conversions/sales, affiliate marketing, or paid advertising. In these cases the content that appealed to the search engine algorithm which resulted in the high organic ranking is not what the user sees after they click the link.

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