Rolled Shoulder of Hogget with Mint and Anchovies

What could be a better autumn/winter comfort dish! If you're unfamiliar with hogget, this recipe is a great place to start, with its rich, complex flavours - deep and satisfying.
Nice and easy!
1kg boned shoulder of hogget or lamb (if this is tied, untie it and roll it flat)
2 x large sprigs of mint
6 x anchovy fillets
250ml red wine
1 x tbsp plain flour
1 x tsp redcurrant jelly or other jam
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Heat an oven to 200˚C.
Roll the lamb shoulder up with the mint and anchovies inside. Tie with string then season with salt and pepper and place in the oven for 15 mins/500g and 20 mins extra.
Half an hour before the end of the cooking, pour half the wine over the lamb.
When done done (internal temperature should be just over 60˚C), remove from the oven and rest on a board.
Put the roasting tin over a high heat and deglaze with the remaining wine. Add the flour and whisk until smooth and thick the add water to obtain your desired gravy consistency.
Whisk in the jam to melt. Strain the gravy into a jug and serve with the carved meat.
Serve with mint sauce.
We said it was easy!!
Shop 'The Fowlescombe Farm Box featuring Manx Loaghtan Lamb Hogget' HERE