Balcaskie Estate

Toby Anstruther - Balcaskie Estate - Fife

The farmer

Balcaskie Estate is home to Toby Anstruther and family. The Anstruther family has been a part of the East Neuk community since the 12th century and the connection with Balcaskie started towards the end of the 17th century. The farming enterprises are currently managed by Sam Parsons, the Estate Manager.


The animals

The estate produces beef, lamb and pork. The cattle are a Lincoln Red herd which are mob grazed and 100% pasture-fed. Lincoln Red are docile and make excellent use of grass being well suited to the exposed east coast.

Along with the cattle, sheep manage the sward and make the most of the fodder at Balcaskie. The expanding flock of Scotch Mules and Suffolk or Texel Lambs graze young grass in the first years and also graze the organic cereals in Spring to help strengthen them.

A small herd of pedigree Tamworth pigs has been introduced as part of our mixed land use and integrating diverse enterprises which help to better match land use and produce. 

The land

The source of some of the best ingredients in Scotland, the East Neuk is bounded on three sides by sea, and with fertile volcanic soils, its bounty includes fish, soft fruit, vegetables and milling wheat along the coastal strip, malting barley beyond and pastures feeding livestock inland.


Certified by the Soil Association and Pasture Fed Livestock Association, we have developed our low-input farming further to reduce bought-in inputs and demonstrate a self supporting, sustainable farming system. By managing the farm and wider landscape as one, we benefit both and help to promote natural biodiversity.